Casualties Growing in NATO's Attack on Refugees

BELGRADE, Apr. 15 1999

The casualties total from NATO's last night's attack on a convoy of Albanian refugees is growing. As of the early evening hours on Apr. 15, at least 80 civilians, mostly Albanian, were killed and many more wounded. After Gen. Wesley Clark issued NATO's usual «lie and deny» denial, and had tried to pin the blame on the Yugoslav military, the Pentagon has just admitted that it (i.e., NATO), had bombed a convoy thus retracting the earlier accusations, made by Clark (MSNBC, 7:05PM EST).

Once again, the general's earlier accusations have turned into «a tragic mistake». So once again, add INCOMPETENCE to a myriad of war crime charges which can now be levied against Clinton, Clark, Cohen and that tomahawk wielding State Department hawk or a squawk, Madam Halfbright.

Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona
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